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004: Stop misbehavior and develop self-control in adolescents with guest Randy Sprick, Part 2

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In this episode
In Part 2 of this special two-part interview, Dr. Randy Sprick shares how anyone can effectively improve off task student behaviors. Fifty percent of high school students are emotionally disengaged from school. So what can we do, in specific, age appropriate ways, to address misbehavior while improving student engagement in high school and years before?

About today’s guest
Dr. Randy Sprick has presented his useful strategies in an entertaining style to over 30.000 educators. Randy is the Director of Teaching Strategies, Inc. and is the primary of author of the Safe & Civil Schools book series and CHAMPS. He is an expert at reducing disruption and off task behaviors while increasing student connectedness.

Recommended Resources:

  • “CHAMPS: A Proactive and Positive Approach to Classroom Management,” by Randy Sprick
  • “Discipline in the Secondary Classroom,” by Randy Sprick
  • “Stress Management for Teachers: A Proactive Guide” by Keith Herman & Wendy Renke
  • Web Article: STOIC Acronym

Guest Links

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International School Climate Institute – Provides practical training, workshops, coaching, and speaking to create positive school climates. Contact us about school climate improvement, planning and climate survey support, bullying prevention and upstander intervention training, restorative justice practices, school safety, youth development, and more.

