In this episode
If you could create your own school, what would it be like? Listen in to learn the essential questions most leaders in school climate change don’t know, but must ask. Jonathon Cohen explains how to create a collaborative place where everyone can achieve while feeling physically, emotionally and intellectually safe and supported.
About today’s guest
Jonathan Cohen is an educator and a clinician who has worked with children, parents and educators for over 40 years. Jonathan is the co-founder and director of the National School Climate Center and an Adjunct Professor of Psychology and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. He works national and internationally lecturing and consulting with State Departments of Education, Colleges of Education, schools/districts, parent organizations and mental health organizations.
“We get lost in our staff meetings discussing the problems and find ourselves focusing on what’s wrong, and we get lost in the negative conversations. How would you address that with staff? – Frank, San Antonio.
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