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Edspiration Podcast

052: Greatest Hits Part 1: A Year of Edspiration

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This week we celebrate the one-year anniversary of Edspiration. In appreciation, we share essential excerpts from some of this year’s popular interviews. Hear insights and tips in show highlights from Alfie Kohn, Jon Bergmann, Alec Couros, Eoin Lenihan, Allen Mendler, and Angela Maiers. You’re going to love these clips and thank you for an amazing year.

051: Take Risks & Embrace the Freedom to Fail

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Failure can be valuable and, yes, even enjoyable. When we do things that don’t work, we learn. So how do we foster risk taking and innovation in our students? We can create the freedom to “fail forward” and develop a climate where everyone learns through questions, experience, fun, and failure. Guest Andrew Miller describes how adults can help young people grow and learn through constructive failures and proper feedback.

050: Inspire Intercultural Awareness and Adventures

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Having cultural adventures can shape and color or our life in unexpected and fantastic ways. But developing multicultural awareness isn’t just about an isolated experience; it requires observation, reflection and feedback before, during and after the event. Whether you go across the ocean, across town or across your neighborhood, guest Sarah Behm explains how you can help students grow their intercultural skills to be more capable and courageous citizens of an ever-changing world.

049: Tell the World Your School Rocks!

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Many schools do amazing things but don’t know how to share great news in engaging ways. Most schools use ineffective newsletters or other tools that get overlooked or even stuck in the bottom of a backpack. Author and guest Ryan McLane explains how schools can engage parents and the community by creatively sharing their positive student and school news in exciting ways.

048: Get Your Spring Back by Getting More from Breaks

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Educators get breaks this time of year to put a spring back in their step and in their instruction. Are you taking full advantage of your time away from the school or classroom? In this special episode, we want you to get your REI to recuperate, educate and invigorate. It critical that you take full advantage of your time away to refuel so you can continue to fuel others.

047: Cooking up White Space: An Educator’s Recipe for Downtime

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Are you carving out space for yourself somewhere in your busy life? If not, you need rethink the way you spend your time so you can refuel to educate others. Sit down to dinner with guest Mark French, the principal who cooks, as he serves up a gourmet list of great ideas to create white space and reenergize yourself.

046: Unleash Creativity & Start Having Fun Again

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Most of us have seen an educator or presenter who wasn’t creative, interesting or fun. You may have even found yourself in a rut where you felt you weren’t tapping your own creativity and had even forgotten to have fun as you led a lesson or workshop. Award winning artist and educator Tim Needles outlines easy ways to put creativity and fun back into your class, your profession and your life.

045: Should schools care about customer service?

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Do you give everyone who walks into your school, class, or office a positive first impression? A positive or negative school environment is shaped by individual attitudes and attention to service. But being service focused is more than just meeting someone’s needs. In this special episode, learn about a powerful shift to help you, your school, and even your relationships reach a new level of connectedness, satisfaction, and productivity.

044: Flipping Classrooms without Flipping Out

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If students can watch a video of your lesson and learn a topic then they don’t need to be in class. But now educators are flipping classrooms and meetings around the world. You can spend less time making students remember information and more time on creation, learning and evaluation. Listen to Jon Bergmann’s strategies to make teaching more engaging by flipping learning while strengthening relationships.

043: Hacking Education to Save Time & Energy

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You might view something as a big problem but there is probably a simple, quick fix you don’t know about. You don’t need a 5 year plan or more deep training. Best selling author and educator Mark Barnes shares some easy, practical education hacks you can use tomorrow to overcome common barriers educators face.