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006: How to use humor the right way in schools and at home with Maurice Elias

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In this episode

There are right and wrong ways to use humor with young people and even with our colleagues. If we learn to use humor correctly we can improve learning, experience more joy at work, and even avoid nagging our children in our own home.

About today’s guest

Maurice J. Elias is a Professor in the Psychology Department at Rutgers University. He has received numerous awards and is an international speaker discussing his numerous books and blog articles with valuable information for teachers and parents. Maurice directs Rutgers’ Social-Emotional Learning Lab, and is Academic Director of the Collaborative Center for Community-Based Research and Service.

Recommended Resources:

AATH 28th Annual Conference “Stayin’ Alive: Keeping Your Brain Healthy and Active with Humor!” May 28-31, 2015

Emotionally Intelligent Parenting– paperback and e-book, by Elias, Tobias, and Friedlander, including a chapter on how to bring humor into everyday family life, with tips that also translate well into the classroom; also in Spanish (print only)

Guest Links

SELinSchools.org – a web site for certification in emotional intelligence/SEL instruction and school leadership
www.edutopia.org/user/67 – my blog at Edutopia
http://www.teacheq.com/abouttherapeutichumor.html — excellent humor resources from former ATTH President Ed Dunkelblau

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International School Climate Institute – Provides practical training, workshops, coaching, and speaking to create positive school climates. Contact us about school climate improvement, planning and climate survey support, bullying prevention and upstander intervention training, restorative justice practices, school safety, youth development, and more.

The Edspiration Inbox Answers…

“I am in a lot of rooms with adults who make a lot of negative comments and I can’t help but think that it wears on me. How do I keep myself from being pulled into negativity in these places?”


