What if every school looked forward to Monday and could even #CelebrateMonday? Guest Sean Gaillard explains how to easily find new inspiration and ideas from experts around the world using Twitter and other resources. Sustaining positive learning environments requires conversations. Learn how to easily applaud and appreciate students and staff to improve relationships and boost morale through social media.
Sean Gaillard is the newly-named principal of John F. Kennedy High School in Winston-Salem, NC after being principal at Wiley Magnet Middle School for six years. He and his wife, Deb (also a teacher), reside in North Carolina with their three daughters. He is the host of the #EdBeat Twitter Chat, and also enjoys co-organizing #Read4Fun Twitter Chat and @EdCampGlobal.
How to get bullying prevention messages to stick
“Our bullying messages don’t seem to sink in. What are we doing wrong? How can we help students get it?” – Andrea, in Sacramento, CA
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International School Climate Institute – Provides practical training, workshops, coaching, and speaking to create positive school climates. Contact us about school climate improvement, planning and climate survey support, bullying prevention and upstander intervention training, restorative justice practices, school safety, youth development, and more.