With 51% of students living in poverty every classroom is impacted. To be an effective educator we have to understand a child’s circumstances so we can address their emotional needs and help them focus on achievement. Improve your ability to overcome the challenges that come with child poverty & create a supportive classroom community with tips from experienced guest Sonya Romero.
Sonya Romero has been a bilingual teacher for 16 years. She was recently featured on the Ellen DeGeneres Show and was recognized for her humanitarian efforts going above and beyond in her classroom. Sonya believes every person has a gift and we all have to share our gifts for greater good in this world.
What can we do as a whole staff to build individual connections to students? – Alyssa, Idaho
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International School Climate Institute – Provides practical training, workshops, coaching, and speaking to create positive school climates. Contact us about school climate improvement, planning and climate survey support, bullying prevention and upstander intervention training, restorative justice practices, school safety, youth development, and more.