Too many students are disengaged in the classroom and not enough schools are engaged with their communities. But Marion City Schools are overcoming these challenges as innovators in creating personalized learning environments. Guest Gary Barber shares how schools can bring educators, businesses, and families together to help students feel more connected to learning and to their communities on their journey to graduation.
Gary Barber started his education career over 25 years ago as a high school teacher, then a principal before being named Superintendent for Marion City Schools and the recipient of several honors. Gary is committed to ensuring that when students graduate from Marion City Schools, they will have earned what is called a Diploma “Plus Acceptance” to college or technical training, a branch of the armed forces or hired to begin a career in a high demand job.
“I have a been in a number of Staff workshops on staff development days this past winter and found they weren’t really relevant to my work. How do I survive these?”
– Denise, Vancouver, Canada
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Questions / comments for John in the Edspiration Inbox:
EduCulture Immersion – if you are an educator interested in traveling for Free to Europe or Costa Rica this summer, ECI also has a teacher program in which you will accompany some of your students on a summer trip that you design in your country of choice. ECI will recruit students, meet with parents, and take care of all program logistics! For more information contact Sarah or visit
International School Climate Institute – Provides practical training, workshops, coaching, and speaking to create positive school climates. Contact us about school climate improvement, planning and climate survey support, bullying prevention and upstander intervention training, restorative justice practices, school safety, youth development, and more.