We all create digital artifacts for others to discover but do students have a right to have their digital childhood forgotten? Students and adults are learning to navigate this new “nearly now society.” Digital citizenship requires a balanced mindset between electronic and face-to-face interactions. Alec Couros gives guidance and tips for connecting and creating an online identity and developing digital citizenship.
How can educators & parents escape the culture of over-testing & overscheduling to create movements for meaningful teaching & learning? Learning is a process and right now many schools are too focused on the product. Award winning filmmaker & best selling author, Vicki Abeles shares research and strategies from courageous schools breaking free from that obsessive culture and making powerful changes.
Tips for finishing homework are common but few ask if we should even be assigning it in the first place. Kids are not vending machines to put homework in and get learning out. Renowned author and educator Alfie Kohn offers research and advice to escape the drill & skill approach. Reducing or eliminating homework can support education while creating less stress and more joy in learning for everyone.
Do you create a thinking rich environment in your school, classroom or at home? Wall spaces are often overlooked but they can become a dynamic part of the learning if we know how to use them. In part 2 of this special two part interview, Eoin Lenihan explains practical & powerful things you can do to your classroom, home or other physical spaces. Doing so will improve student success while create an energizing teaching and learning environment.
What would your ideal school look, feel, and sound like? Imagine how staff, admin and students would grow and interact. No Child Left Behind is no more. What takes its place and how should we prepare? Schools and policy makers can embrace this chance to shift away from a narrow definition of accountability. Host John Linney breaks from the usual show format to discuss this opportunity to focus on the whole school and the whole student to bring more joy into education.
Schools do not have enough resources to overcome all the barriers to learning students bring into classrooms. Alleviate unnecessary stress on teachers and school leaders by inviting community resources into the education setting with a community schools approach. In this special edition, get ideas from host John Linney to help students be ready to learn and help parents support learning by opening up to the resources surrounding your school.
You have to have a short memory when working with disengaged young people but you can get them motivated. Divorce, violence, negative peer influence, alcoholism, and difficult home environments can all be at the root of student apathy. Guest Mike Hicks lights a path for helping students escape their apathy and negative stories to write a new future.
You don’t have to wait for a general professional development session or any school leader to give you what you need. You can be your own agent of change. There’s a learning revolution happening now with Personalized Professional Learning (PPL). Guest Brett Salakas powerfully advocates for this shift and discusses how you can get what you need to benefit you and your students.
Students cannot calm their bodies until they learn to calm their brains. The power of mindfulness is being accessed by educators and parents to prime students for learning and to help young people manage their own behavior. Author Joree Rosenblatt explains how the growing practice of mindfulness helps adults and students reduce stress and experience deeper levels of gratitude and happiness.
Do you view students as contributors or consumers? It isn’t any individual’s or organization’s job to develop contributing, caring and healthy young citizens. If it’s true that all kids are our kids then everyone has a role to play. Educators may not realize all the great things they are already doing to build students’ strengths. At the same time, we can all be more intentional using a strength-based approach to working with youth and tapping into the power of gratitude. Join host John Linney for this special abbreviated holiday show to re-invigorate your teaching and improve your ability to teach and reach young people.